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Changes and CancellationsUpdated 3 months ago

Can I make changes to my order?

Unfortunately, we cannot make any changes to an order once you have paid for it.

However, we can cancel your order if it has not been fulfilled and shipped yet. Once cancelled, you can place the order again with the updated changes. Contact us right away to cancel your order.

If your order has been shipped, you will have to wait for it to arrive and complete the standard return/exchange process.

Can I cancel my order?

As long as your order has not been fulfilled, then we can cancel it for you.

Please contact us as soon as possible to cancel your order before it is fulfilled.

Important Note: Final Sale items that have been shipped are not eligible for refunds.

For EU Customers: Please note that items prohibited from returns, exchanges and refunds are restricted to items that have been personalized such as prescription lenses, as well as items impacted by hygiene safety such as earrings.

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